Friday, May 16, 2014

My Night Skin Routine

Okay, first off, no, I'm not being sponsored by Clinique! I use to work for them, so I did get a lot of free products, and I got a great discount. I do have to say, I am not a huge Clinique makeup fan, but their skincare line I swear by. I saw women in the 60's and 70's who have used Clinique since it came out/since they were young, and their skin looked amazing. That alone made me believe in the product. Secondly, this may seem like a lot of skin care products, and it probably is for a lot of people. I look at skin care as an investment into the future. I want my skin to look great as I age, so I want to take care of it now!
On to my routine!

After I remove all my makeup (I can make a blog post about that if you ladies and gents are interested), I use the Clinique liquid facial soap for combo oily to oily. I just recently got a Clarisonic, so I've been using that along with my facial soap. I like this soap a lot, but honestly, the Simple line at the drugstore is quite comparable, and a bit cheaper.

Next I use the clarifying lotion in number 3. This is actually isn't a typical "astringent", it gently exfoliates your skin while removing extra oils and dead skin cells. This is a product that I really love, but lately I've been using a Clean and Clear astringent, which I'm really liking as well. I've been switching between the 2 products.

Okay, now this step is the one that has really changed my skin. I've used this for years, long before I ever worked for Clinique, or even understood the 3 step! I use the gel (for oily skin) during the summer, and then the lotion (for dry) during the winter. I love, LOVE this stuff! 

Okay, so those were the "basic" steps. These are the "add ons". I am in love with the Even Better dark clinical dark spot corrector (yep, long name, and yep, we were expected to say the entire name to our customers, talk about a tongue twister.....). The main reason I use this is to help with my acne scars (which is actually hyper-pigmentation), also it helps give my completion an over all brighter look. Like that's a horrible bonus!

So I have to admit, I wouldn't have tried this product if I hadn't gotten if as gratis, but I really do like it. It's the turnaround overnight radiance  moisturizer. I like it because it's a nice night cream, and it works along with the even better, helping create a brighter over all skin tone.

For an eye cream, I've been using even better eyes dark circle corrector. Honestly, this does nothing for me. And for the price, I'd rather got with Clinique's all about eyes, my all time favorite eye cream. I do want to use this up though before I go back to my all about eyes, I hate wasting products!

Yes, I have adult acne. Yes, it's annoying ,and yes I hate it. This product has helped a lot. I've noticed when the acne solutions spot healing gel (yes Clinique does have a Clinique 3 step, but I don't love it), the acne heals quicker. They do have new packaging which is super cute, this one is the old package. A great drugstore "dupe" for this is Clearasil's rapid action vanishing treatment cream. I do notice the Clearasil dries me out more though.

This is a sample I've been trying for awhile. It's the repairware uplifting firming cream. This is a face cream, but I like using it on my neck. I'm 23 so I don't really have a sagging neck, but this is one of those preventative measures I like taking. Plus, your neck needs moisture too! Most of the time you'll see older women with amazing skin on their face, but it stops at their jawline. If you don't want to invest in a separate neck cream, just bring your face cream down to your neck and chest area.

So this isn't exactly skin care, but I have recently included this into my nightly routine, and I'm loving it! It's Rimmel London's lash accelerator serum. You can use this on your lashes and/or brows. I've been using this for about a month, and I actually see results! My lashes seem fuller and a tad longer. They look so much better without mascara, and amazing with mascara! For less then $10 at the drugstore (and Rimmel is often on sale, and has coupons), this is a must have!

Wow, so that's it! Okay, it seems like a lot, but honestly it takes less then 10 minutes a night. I've noticed my skin has become brighter, my acne has lessened, and the scars aren't as bad as before I started using these products. So that being said, I'm about to go wash off my makeup, do my night time rountine, finish watching Royal Pains on Netflix (oh my gosh, is anyone else addicted to that show?!), and go to bed! 
Goodnight my Sophisticated Bitches!

“Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done.” 
― Madonna


  1. oh my god, these have to be the most lovely product photos I have seen on a blog. It feels like a magical place. ::goes to wash face and put on skin care imagining I am in this space::

    I also have adult acne. Each person's skin is so different. I am glad you have found things that are helping. I spent two years in search for the skin care that is finally helping me :D

    1. Wow, thank you so much for your comment! You're the first person to comment on my blog. That means so much to me! :)
      It's such a struggle to have adult acne, I never had it as a teen, so it was a bit of a shock for me when it first started! I'm so happy that you have also found a skin care routine that's working for you!

  2. Great job, Amanda! I follow too many blogs to count because I love fashion, all things shiny and I'm a confirmed product junkie. I look forward to reading more posts!


    1. Thanks so much! Oh anything that shines or sparkles I have to have lol! :) Thanks so much :)
