Friday, August 15, 2014

Something new is brewing....

So I had a fabulous idea today while in the shower (because all great ideas come to you while in the shower, you know I'm right!). I'm going to have a new "series" on my blog!  3 days a week, I'll have a new blog post. What is this magical, amazing, wonderful series you might be asking? Well here goes, Dollar Monday, Mid Money Wednesday, and Splurge Friday!
Further explanation needed? 
~Dollar Monday. The day that everyone hates. You can always use a pick me up, but after spending all your money at the club over the weekend, it has to be cheap. So how about dollar Monday. Each Monday I'll review a makeup/hair/product/fashion piece that you can find guessed it...ONE dollar!
~Mid Money Wednesday. So maybe you found some extra change in the couch cushion and you want a little mid week pick me up. Wednesdays will have a review on a product that is $10 or less.
~Splurge Friday! It's payday, why not splurge a little. On Fridays I'll do a review on a product that's a little more pricey, $25 and up. 
Let me know if you sophisciated bitches have any suggestions or ideas for this series. And of course, I'll still be doing reviews, new product posts, hauls, etc along with this series. 

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